Teach me, Lord,What I don't know.
Show me which way
And where to go Alone I stumble
Alone I fall But your gentle voice
Leads through it all
Take my hand Light my way
With you all my life. Don't you know that it's true. I'm living to love you
Teach me, Lord and Father, Your child has become like new


Wednesday 5 June 2013

Do u think i am good man?你觉得我是好男人吗?

每回都会让关心我的男人给发问一些重要问题。 “你怎么气质总是那么好啊, 真想知道你的终生伴侣和心仪的对象是什么样的好男人?” “你成家了吗?我还没?他说“你条件那么好,还等什么呢?” 我说:“不是婚姻迟早的问题, 而是婚姻素质的问题。 ” 他说:“哦,这样哦。这些都是不能解决的问题,婚姻总是让人找破头皮。幸福是要两人经营才行,好男人总是时时把幸福带给他深爱的女人” 我:“那当然噢~天下都是好情人,这些根本不是关键。用心经营是关键” 其实,你会慢慢知道没有女人在身边的男人永远不会长大,没有爱家的责任。中国人认为,要孩子成为真正的男子汉就非要他成家不可。” 噢~你德高望重,也这么认为。上回我到北京考察,教授也是这样告诉我的。看来要听听你怎么治家。 我们这些臭男人还没成家真的总以为自己很了不起,成家以后才知道自己什么都不是,如何给太太幸福是我们最大的功课。哈哈! 有了妻子好想有孩子,有了孩子才是人生最美满的事。 妻子就是在婚前用精灵般的歌声、天使似的笑容,酩酊我心灵,染亮我眉梢的人。 妻子就是那一个试穿白纱时,总是担心自己不够漂亮、不够可爱的那个人。 妻子就是让我常放弃男子汉的自负,把高昂的头埋进她温暖胸怀里的那个小魔女。 妻子就是愿意让我轻轻搭着她的肩,以深情的步伐,齐心和我走完人生路的那个人。 妻子就是当我光着屁股,被她看见也不大会觉得不好意思的那个人。 妻子就是那个在我,害她顶了个大肚子,当了十个月企鹅的可怜人。 妻子就是那个在产房里鬼叫鬼叫后,窜出了个红猴子,然后将他漂白并惜之如宝的人。 妻子就是那个当我深夜加班未归,仍点着灯等着我回来的有情人。 妻子就是那个用厨房缤纷的油烟为我画像,用唠叨的爱语为我写诗的那个艺术人。 妻子就是那个在市场里是谈判高手,但在我面对却撒娇装可爱的妞儿。 妻子就是那一个她肚围越来越大,胸丘越来越垮的事迹每天被我见证的人。 妻子就是那一个当让她伤心生气,但她总是在最后依然还说爱着我的健忘人。 妻子就是那一个当她的双亲渐渐老逝,而我将成为她生命里最亲密伴侣的那个人。 妻子就是当她的鬓发渐斑白,将我一生与她的一切,融合成一千个春天的守望人。 妻子就是在我要咽下最后一口气时,仍希望还牵握着她的手的那个人。 妻子就是和我都成了麦粒落掉到尘世中,将生命的光与热转换成对孩子之情与爱的一对恋人。 我与她就是当我已消逝她也远离时,我俩的心将像是清风与明月一样,相伴相随、不舍不离的永恒伴侣。 孩子就是当我接生他用着:『嗨你好,我的爱儿』来作为我与他结缘一生之欢迎词的人。 孩子就是让我的话语变成两个字的世界:baba 、嘴嘴、baobao ˋai ai ˋ、亲亲的小精灵。 孩子就是当他们深夜高烧不退,让我急的他们说『如果你们能好的话,爸拔愿意为你们做一切』的人。 孩子就是有魔力让我彻底牺牲形象跟他们爬枕头山、棉被丘,学狗叫、当马骑的人。 孩子就是当夜魅悄悄来临时,我会用虎姑婆、大野狼哄骗他们,吓得他们呱呱叫的小可爱 孩子就是当我和他尿尿时,他会侧过头来对我说『爸拔你的小鸟怎么比我大只』的那个小鬼 孩子就是当我将他们架在肩膀上,游走在动物园里时,心里面富足的像是国王的小家伙 孩子就是他们的顽皮嬉闹,让我成为大卖场里最没气质之男人的小捣蛋。 孩子就是当我打他们肉身时,却痛恻在我心扉的心爱宝贝。 孩子就是让我更了解我母亲怎么爱我的老师。 孩子就是让我日夜辛劳以变成一把弓,使他们成为箭,借着我而射向远方的人。 孩子就是在我俩眼昏花、步履蹒跚时,牵我身、爱我心的一双手、一句话。 孩子就是在我离别这个世界时,将我的骨灰洒向高山大海的人。 我与孩子就是情定前世,此生续缘,也将会再相约生生世世的一家人。 难怪你总是问问我说,你是不是好情人, 好丈夫,好爸爸? 我想你还是勇敢问问你的太太大人, 才最真心。 对吧?

Every time my man will make care to ask some important questions . "You're always so wonderful how temperament , really want to know your life partner and favorite object is what a good man ? " "You have a family? I did not ? He said," you condition is so good, so what it? " I said:" Sooner or later, the issue is not marriage , but the quality of marital problems . " He said:" Oh, oh. They are unable to solve the problem, people are always looking for marriage break scalp. Happiness is to operate both the job , a good man always always bring happiness woman he loved " me:" oh, of course, that the world is a good lover, which is not critical . Careful management is the key , " Actually, you know that no woman will slowly around men never grow up, there is no obligation loving family . Chinese people believe that to become a real man a child he would have to not be married ." Oh ~ you respected , think so too. Last time I went to visit Beijing , also a professor told me. It seems to listen to you how statesman . Those of us not married really smelly men always think they are great , they knew that they later married nothing, how to give his wife happy is our biggest homework. Haha ! With his wife want to have children , have a child is the most happy thing in life . His wife is in a marriage with a wizard-like singing, angel -like smile, drunkenness my soul , my brow dyed bright people . When the wife is the one to try white, always worried about their not pretty enough , not pretty man. I often give up his wife is a man 's ego , the high head buried her warm bosom of the little witch . His wife is willing to let me gently draped over her shoulder to soulful pace , united and personal life that I finish the road . When my wife is bare buttocks , the General Assembly was not embarrassed she saw the man . My wife is in the harm she had a belly top , when the poor man ten penguins . After his wife is that delivery room Guijiao Guijiao , sprang a red monkey , then he bleached and cherish the people as treasure . Wife, is that when I did not return to work overtime at night , lit the lamp still waiting for me to come back lovers . His wife is the kitchen hood for my colorful portrait with words of love poems for my nagging that artistic people . His wife is in the market is that the negotiation expert , but in my face but spoiled cute little girls . His wife is the one surrounded her growing belly , chest mound collapse deeds every day more and more I have witnessed people . That a wife is angry when her sad , but she always said that in the last still love my forgetful people . That a wife is getting old when her parents passed away , and I would become her life 's most intimate partner of that individual . His wife is when she 's getting gray hair on the temples , will all of my life with her , fused into one thousand people watch spring . When the wife is the last breath I still hope to have led the man holding her hand . His wife is, and I have become a grain fell off the earth , the light and heat of life translate into feelings and love child a pair of lovers. I was with her when I have gone too far away from her when we were in the heart of the moon will be like a breeze , like go hand in hand , separated from eternal companion dismay . When I was a child he used a midwife : "Hi Hello , I love children ," as my whole life with his words of welcome to become attached to people . The child is to let my words become words in the world : baba, Zuizui , baobao ai ai, kiss elf. Child is late at night when they are high fever , so I am anxious for them to say, " If you can is good, dad pulling willing to do everything for you ." Person. The child is to have the magic I completely sacrificing image to climb the mountain with them pillows , quilts mound , bark like a dog , when Maji person. Child is quietly Charm night comes, I will use Aunt Tiger , Big Bad Wolf cajole them , scared them croak cute little child is when he and I pee , he would CeGuo head to me and said , "Dad pull your little birds than me just how " children that kid is when I stand on their shoulders, walk in the zoo , like the heart of the king's rich little guy is their naughty children frolic , let me be the supermarkets temperament of most men did little mischief . The child is when I hit them flesh , but the pain in my heart sorrowful beloved baby. The child is to let me know more about my mother how to love my teacher. The child is to let me toil day and night to become a bow , so that they become arrows fired by me and people far away . The child is in the eye of us dim , when faltering , take my body , I love heart hands , in a word . My child is in the parting of the world , will my ashes sprinkling . Love is my past life with kids , this life continued margin will also be similar lifetimes of a person . No wonder you always ask me that , you are not a good lover , a good husband , a good father ? I want you to ask your wife or brave adults , only the most sincere . Right ?

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